Condominium Documents (公寓/城市屋的文件)

November 17, 2012


  1. Condominium board(公寓/城市屋業主立案法團)是否有法律訴訟?
  2. 是否有徵收special assessment(特別評估費用)?如有徵收特別評估費用,由誰來負責支付?賣方或買方?或者兩者都要負責?
  3. 是否有足夠的reserved funds(預留資金)處理各類型的公寓/城市屋維修和保養?
  4. 仔細審查condominium board meeting minutes(公寓/城市屋業主立案法團會議記錄)後,是否有發現任何問題?
  5. 根據condominium bylaw(公寓/城市屋業主立案法團附例),你是否可以飴養寵物?


*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Condominium Documents

October 4, 2008

Review of condominium documents can minimize potential future surprises and problems.

The following are some examples,

  1. Are there pending lawsuits against the condominium board?
  2. Is there levy of special assessment? If so, who is responsible to pay? The seller or the buyer? Or both?
  3. Are there sufficient reserved funds setting aside for various types of repairs and maintenances of the condominium?
  4. Are there any issues that can be discovered from a careful review of the condominium board meeting minutes?
  5. Can you have pets on the premises according to condominium bylaw?

You may contact me for further legal advice.


Note: All postings in this blog are for information only, please consult a lawyer for proper legal advice.