Sharing my Residential Real Estate insight (分享我的住宅房地產經驗)

September 27, 2008


電話: (403) 253-8827
傳真: (403) 253-8829
地址: Suite 400,  7015 MacLeod Trail SW, Calgary

*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

My name is Aileen Kwan, I have been practicing law in Calgary since 1997 and have handled over thousands of residential real estate transactions in Alberta. I write this blog to share with you some insights. Please contact me for my professional legal services. I am fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

tel: (403) 253-8827
fax: (403) 253-8829
address: Suite 400,  7015 MacLeod Trail SW, Calgary

*** Note: All postings in this blog are for information only, please consult a lawyer for proper legal advices.

Dower Right (配偶居住權)

December 19, 2012

Photo Credit: Flickr user @mihaibojin used under CC 2.0 license

當您想賣您的物業或將物業抵押,而您是產權上唯一的人,您需要在Transfer of Land(轉讓土地)或Mortgage documents(按揭文件)上聲明您的婚姻狀況。您只能申報以下兩種之一:



如果您不屬於以上兩種之一,您便需要Spousal Consent(配偶的同意)。

亞省的Dower Act(配偶居住權利法)給予配偶在有生之年有權利在家裡居住。如果您想出售物業或將物業抵押,必須得到配偶voluntarily consent(自願同意)。

如果您與配偶已經separated(分居),但在法律上仍未正式離婚,無論您是分居了10個月還是10年,或您的配偶並不住在家裡,您還是需要Spousal Consent(配偶的同意)。


*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Dower Right

December 19, 2012

Photo Credit: Flickr user @mihaibojin used under CC 2.0 license

When you are selling your home or financing your home and you are the only person on title, you need to declare your marital status on the Transfer of Land or on the mortgage document. You can only declare  one of the following:

(1) you are not married, or

(2) neither you nor your spouse has ever lived in the property within your marriage.

If you do not fall within either categories, a Spousal Consent is required.

The Dower Act in Alberta grants your spouse a life interest in the martial home which means your spouse has the right to live in the home during his or her lifetime. In order to sell or finance your material home, your spouse must voluntarily consent to the disposal or financing of the martial home.

If you are separated from your spouse but not legally divorced (it doesn’t matter whether you are separated for 10 months or 10 years, or your spouse doesn’t live in the home), a spousal consent is still required.

You may contact me for further legal advice.


Note: All postings in this blog are for information only, please consult a lawyer for proper legal advice.

Title Insurance (產權保險)

November 25, 2012


產權保險得到大多數加拿大主要銀行和金融機構接受。在住宅房地產交易中,產權保險不是必要的。但一些銀行或金融機構可能以產權保險作為conditions for funding(貸款條件)之一。在某些情況下,產權保險可用來代替Surveyor’s Real Property Report (測量師房地產報告)或Estoppel Certificate(禁止反言證書)。如果買家有用Power of Attorney(授權委託書)買住宅物業、或購買的物業價值超過銀行和金融機構指定的一定金額,買家亦會被要求購買產權保險。


*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Title Insurance

November 25, 2012

For a one-time title insurance premium, title insurance company will insure future losses due to defects of title or other events affecting the property that happened before the policy was issued. Title insurance can insure against loss to either the owner of the property, the mortgage lender, or both.

Title insurance is acceptable by most major banks and financial institutions in Canada. Title insurance is not mandatory in all residential real estate transactions. However, some banks or financial institutions may require title insurance as one of the conditions for funding. In some cases, title insurance can be used in lieu of Real Property Report or Estoppel Certificate. Some major banks also require title insurance in cases where a Power of Attorney is used for the purchase of residential properties or if the value of the purchase price is over a certain amount as specified by the banks and financial institutions.

Please contact me for further legal advice.


Note: All postings in this blog are for information only, please consult a lawyer for proper legal advice.

Notarization of Documents required in People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Republic of China (Taiwan) (中華人民共和國、香港特區、澳門特區及中華民國(台灣)的文件認證)

November 25, 2012

以下是People’s Republic of China(中華人民共和國),Hong Kong SAR(香港特區),及Macau SAR(澳門特區)的文件認證步驟:

  1. 確保該文件的內文及格式符合當地(中國,香港,或澳門)的法律規定。
  2. 將文件交給亞省律師認證。
  3. notarized document(認證文件)送交Alberta Justice(亞省司法部)申請Certificate of Authentication(鑑定證書)。
  4. Authenticated notarized document (鑑定認證文件)便可以送到Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Calgary(中華人民共和國駐卡爾加里總領館)作最後認證。
  5. 文件便可以送回當地(中國大陸,香港,或澳門)使用。

以下是Republic of China (Taiwan)(中華民國(台灣))的文件認證步驟:

  1. 確保該文件的內文及格式符合台灣的法律規定。
  2. 將文件交給亞省律師認證。
  3. notarized document(認證文件)送交Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver (駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處)作最後認證。
  4. 文件便可以送回台灣使用。



*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Notarization of Documents required in People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Republic of China (Taiwan)

November 25, 2012

The following are steps for notarization of documents required in People’s Republic of ChinaHong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR:

  1. Ensure the content and format of the document complies with the legal requirements as specified by the respective regions.
  2. Bring the document to your Alberta lawyer for notarization.
  3. The notarized document is then sent to Alberta Justice for a Certificate of Authentication.
  4. The authenticated notarized document can now be sent to Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Calgary  for final notarization.
  5. The document can now be sent back to the respective region (China, Hong Kong, or Macau) for use.

The following are steps for notarization of documents required in Republic of China (Taiwan):

  1. Ensure the content and format of the document complies with the legal requirements of Taiwan.
  2. Bring the document to your Alberta lawyer for notarization.
  3. The  notarized document is then sent to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver for final notarization.
  4. The document can now be sent back to Taiwan for use.

The above procedures and steps are subject to change by their respective governments, please consult the respective government officials for their latest procedures.

Please contact me for further information.


Note: All postings in this blog are for information only, please consult a lawyer for proper legal advice.

Condominium Reserved Fund (公寓/城市屋 儲備基金)

November 17, 2012

Condominium(公寓/城市屋)的買家必須非常小心留意condominium reserved fund(公寓/城市屋儲備基金)是否足夠。因為如果儲備基金不足,就無法支付更新、保養、維修或其他工程,新業主便可能要負責支付差欠的費用。

買家應聘請專家去審計公寓/城市屋的financial statements(財務報表)及儲備基金的狀況。在作出一個明智購買公寓/城市屋的決定之前,必須考慮清楚儲備基金是否足夠。


*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Vacant Possession (交吉)

November 17, 2012

vacant possession

一般住宅房地產買賣合同中,賣方需要在中午12時向買方交吉。賣方應確保在中午12時前,把moveable belongings(可移動的財物)全部搬走。否則,買方有權向賣方要求支付任何搬走這些物品的reasonable costs(合理費用)。

如果買方不能成功obtain vacant possession(收到物業),而導致買方要支付額外費用,例如額外的搬遷費用,酒店或alternative accommodation(替代的住宿)費用,買方應該保留所有收據作為證據。所有費用也必須合理,因為買方有法律責任減輕自己的損失。舉例來說,入住班夫溫泉大酒店或昂貴的酒店可能不是一個明智的選擇,因為買方可能無理據向法庭要求全部費用。


*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Surveyor’s Real Property Report (測量師房地產報告)

November 17, 2012

Real Property Report (RPR 測量師房地產報告) 是一份由Certified Land Surveyor(認可土地測量師)準備的報告。它主要反映土地上所有外部建設結構的現狀。RPR一定要提交給市政府審核以申請Municipal Stamp of Compliance(市政府合規性契印)。

從買家的觀點來看,有一份RPR可以幫助識別任何與市政府和/或鄰近物業的encroachment(侵佔)問題。在侵佔問題尚未解決之前,申請借貸可能會出現問題。審核RPR是許多買家往往沒有想到要包括在他們的buyer’s conditions(買家條件)之內。



*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。

Hold Back (扣款)

November 17, 2012

當買家take possession(收房)時,他們有可能發現各種問題。例如:壞掉的廚房電器,漏水的廁所,骯髒的地毯,等等問題。不少買家誤解以為,如果他們在date of possession(收房日),發現有任何問題,他們的律師便可以從交易中hold back money(扣款)去處理這些問題。除非買賣雙方事先有written agreement(書面同意),否則買方律師並沒有任何權力單方面扣款。如果買賣雙方未能達成協議,買家可以考慮向small claims court(小額錢債法庭)申訴。



*** 注:本博客中所有內容僅供參考。請找律師提供專業及全面的法律意見。